Human rights advocate with diabetes from Vologda Oblast is transferred from jail to house arrest
The court appointed human rights advocate »
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The court appointed human rights advocate »
Booklets with poems, children's letters, and rhymed slogans, calling on "beating the enemies for those killed in Donbas… »
LGBT opponents have filed more than 200 appeals with law enf… »
The AIDS Center’s patients complained that they were not able to undergo their immune status’ testing: they were told to wait till the autumn in the medical institution. Accor… »
The lawyer told 7x7 that the T-shirts with the quote had been sewn by her friend, who had also taken part in the performance. She is a fan of the book "1984" and was inspired by… »
Eco-activists from the Save Pechora Committee in Komi condemned the "act of aggression" against Ukraine. They asked President Vladimir Putin to stop the "m… »
Mass protests in support of Alexei Navalny »
Communist Party’s deputy Evgeny Ulyanov checked the re… »
Syktyvkar Distillery stopped the production of souvenir boxes with Dary Severa vodka after artist Yuri Lisovsky’s appeals. According to him, the company used his pa… »
"I have 10 thousand euros at my disposal, which are very special: they are attached to the Boris Nemtsov Prize awarded to me. This is a great honor, and I find it somehow strange and… »
"Wash off the inscription immediately!"
Yuri Voblikov made almost 40 calls during Vladimir Putin's phone-in on June 30. Basically, he asked the president to pay… »
The portrait was made using ASCII technology, which allows creating any graphic with letters and symbols (some kind of enciphering). Just like ethnic symbols and ornaments, these are encr… »
The statement says that the practice of persecuting people "whose only real fault is the desire to participate in the government of their state, to deal with the issues of local gove… »
Elena Gulina came to the Theater Square of Syktyvkar with a poster saying, "LUKOIL is a pest. Major oil spills are killing our nature and us." She told 7x7 … »
Participants of the rally attached a poster to the shopping center’s window saying, "Dear court marshals! We want to know when you will proceed with the execution of the Karelian Supreme … »
At the meeting in the administration, employees of the town traffic police department and public activists agreed that experts would come up with alternative ideas on how to ensure the cl… »
Dmitry Mishin, among other supporters of Nikolai Platoshkin’s Movement for New Socialism, »
At the beginning of the video, the activists recorded with the help of a quadrocopter how a truck with waste entered the territory of the Rusresurs Company’s waste sorti… »
The activists believe the circus shows should feature people, rather than be based on the suffering of trained animals. At the second stage of the information campaign, on March 20, they … »
At 4 pm, activists from the «Zhenskoe delo Smolensk» (Women's Business Smolensk) community came out with a series of single pickets to the front of the Sovreme… »
According to him, residents of Glazov wanted to hold a mass picket of up to 30 people near the city hall on March 3, but officials »
Alexandra Sukhova, President of the Rex Charitable Fund, told 7x7 that they had registered the fund in November 2020. According to the volunteers, city shelters regularly… »
The administrative case against the activist was initiated under Part 2 of Article 20.2 of the Administrative Code (Violation of the Established Procedure for Holding a Picket… »
The incubation program allowed aspiring entrepreneurs to work their way from coming out with a business idea to its full start-up within three months. 45 aspiring social businesswomen fro… »
The rally began with a one-person picket. The activists took turns holding a poster saying, "Enough, we are done! We need to change the current power! Russia must unite against Putin… »
According to Alexander Tsybulsky, the Federal Railway Transport Agency’s order, opening station Shies for boarding/unloading passengers, commenced on September 21, … »
"The station at Shies is to open in 14 days exactly. The relevant document has already been signed by the directory of Roszheldor - order No. 360 of September 7. I thank M… »
During a tour of Shies, eco-activist Anna Shekalova asked Tsybulsky why the information hub tent of Technopark still remained at the railway station. The company's em… »
Activist Violetta Grudina came to the Five Corners Square with poster "Navalny is poisoned, the hirer is known" at about 5PM. About an hour later, she was detai… »
- We asked the court to fully acquit him, but he was only partially acquitted. Therefore, I will seek for the court to deliver a judgment in the case in accordance with the evidence… »
Picketers stood and held posters at the fire-observation tower and in Susaninskaya square, called "skovorodka" (‘the frying pan’) by residents of Kostroma. The poste… »
According to investigators, Vilkov shared a post on his page on with calls to eliminate Russian President Vladimir Putin. The defendant stated that he had not repo… »
The Centre for Combating Extremism at the Ministry of Internal Affairs was interested in several images saved by a local resident named Ivan. They included… »
It is seen on the video published by activists, that since February 22, they stopped and did not let in all the cars with waste and made it clear (with the help of a STSI inspector) where… »
Passers-by reacted to the action positively. Several men came to shake Yaroslav's hand and expressed solidarity with the slogan on his poster. Women, passing the activists by, congrat… »
Amber Birch has about 500 subscribers, but many residents of Ryazan know the artist's topical works. Caricature illustrations have an identity and a recognizable red-and-black-color s… »
About 15 police officers were standing near the theater building, and three members of the National Guard were at the entrance. Not everyone was allowed inside the theater: two women (del… »
Yulia Zaitseva, who runs a charity shop, started the center. She told 7x7 that she was motivated by a desire to help those in need in a more targeted way:
"In the next few days, I’m going to file a police report with the requirement to initiate a case of administrative offense against the officials who prevented the march," … »
Sirotkin held the picket with a poster on one side of which was the inscription: "Protect the Constitution from arbitrary rule", on the other - "Thank you President f… »
Olga Davydova, the judge of the Vologda court, took into account that linguists had not found any rude words in the posts on, and activist Alexey Gruzdev&#… »
Activists came to the building of the regional government with posters depicting Russian President Vladimir Putin, Governor of Arkhangelsk Oblast Igor Orlov »
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