Kirov activists suggested local residents making their own amendments to the Constitution at the rally

2020-2-4 10:50

Activist Fedor Kalinin - one of the leaders of the FridaysForFuture Environmental Movement - was one of the organizers of the event. He told 7x7 that he had d…

Activist Fedor Kalinin — one of the leaders of the FridaysForFuture Environmental Movement — was one of the organizers of the event. He told 7x7 that he had decided to organize the action after Russian President Vladimir Putin had announced his plans to make amendments to the Russian Constitution:

— About two weeks ago, our honorable President presented his draft of the constitutional reform, and somehow the public - despite the opinion that the President wants to strengthen his position as a political figure - the public did not react to it. We decided to bring at least some light to it in our small town. We consider our action to be such an ironic gesture of direct democracy, — Kalinin told 7x7.

Fedor Kalinin

The activist said that he considered it unfair that one person out of 145 million citizens of the country could have changed the Constitution "in a snap". At the same time, despite the ironic message of the action, Kalinin is going to send serious and interesting ideas of the passers-by to the State Duma deputies.

Answering 7x7’s question whether to listen to the ideas of fixing the state-forming role of the Russian people and Orthodoxy in the Constitution’s preamble, which are becoming more and more popular, Kalinin replied that mentioning God in the framework law of the country was definitely a regression, and the use of the term "Russian people" could be the first step towards fascism.




Articles about benefits, such as guarantees for free accommodation, appeared to be the most popular among passers-by. A young man who also came to the rally wrote in the first article of the "draft Constitution" that Russia was a monarchical state with a federative framework.

On January 15, during his address to the Federal Assembly, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the need to reform the Russian Constitution - to limit the possibility of being President for more than two terms, to fix the priority of the Constitution over international law, and to fix the minimum wage above the subsistence rate. A group including (in addition to legal experts, politicians, and public figures) an ataman, athletes, pianist, actor, and writer was formed later.


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