Eco-activists in Arkhangelsk were reported for violating the regime of self-isolation

2020-4-3 10:34

According to her, in the afternoon, four policemen approached the activists who gather on Lenin square every day. They drew up protocols because the activists violated the ban on rallies …

According to her, in the afternoon, four policemen approached the activists who gather on Lenin square every day. They drew up protocols because the activists violated the ban on rallies established by the decree of the Governor on March 18 due to the coronavirus pandemic. It is prohibited to hold mass events, visit buildings providing services in Arkhangelsk Oblast; some other restrictive measures have been introduced.

Two people who were present at the timeless action had no documents on hand, they were taken to the police station, Ovchinnikova noted. The rest of them had their passport data collected. They face fines from 1 to 30 thousand rubles.

The operational coronavirus response team in Arkhangelsk Oblast explained that at this point, you can only get a fine for violating the quarantine the decision on which is issued by Rospotrebnadzor (the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing). In Arkhangelsk, such decisions are issued to citizens who have recently arrived from abroad — they must be quarantined at home for two weeks. None of the activists, according to Ovchinnikova, has been quarantined by Rospotrebnadzor. According to official data, there are six cases of coronavirus in Arkhangelsk currently, three people are preparing for discharge soon. Timeless actions against the construction of the landfill at station Shies have already been suspended in several cities because of the coronavirus.

President Vladimir Putin enacted fines and criminal liability for violating the quarantine on April 1. For violation of sanitary rules, citizens can be fined for from 15 to 40 thousand rubles, and company officials and individual entrepreneurs — from 50 to 150 thousand rubles, legal entities — from 200 to 500 thousand rubles. If a violation of the quarantine caused damage on another person or led to his death, then fines from 150 thousand rubles to 1 million rubles or imprisonment for up to five years are imposed. If two or more people died, the term of deprivation will be up to seven years.


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