Resident of Udmurtia who confessed threatening Moscow judge was fined for 160 thousand rubles for his comment on

2020-1-17 22:53

The Prosecutor's office demanded a fine of 180 thousand rubles for Alexey Veresov - he had pleaded guilty and agreed to a special procedure, without considering the e…

The Prosecutor's office demanded a fine of 180 thousand rubles for Alexey Veresov - he had pleaded guilty and agreed to a special procedure, without considering the evidence. During the court session, Veresov verbally apologized to judge Alexey Krivoruchko who did not come to the court.

Alexey Pashkov, the defendant's lawyer, asked the court not to impose a large fine because of the small public harm caused by the comment on and the low income of Veresov's family.

According to the prosecution, judge Krivoruchko read Veresov's comment about himself on September 6 and took his words seriously — as a threat to his life.

Alexey Veresov learned from community "Everything is Stable" on that Krivoruchko had found actor Pavel Ustinov guilty of violence against a police officer of the National Guard (he fell and pulled his shoulder while detaining Ustinov). When considering the appeal, Ustinov’s suspended sentence was replaced with jail time.


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the veresov and alexey for his comment guilty