The police of Arkhangelsk have not found extremism in a comment of a state-funded TV channel’s journalist. He suggested shooting protesters

2021-4-9 15:44

Several residents of Arkhangelsk complained to the police about a comment of Vladimir Tolgsky, a regional TV channel’s journalist, on Instagram about the rallies:

Several residents of Arkhangelsk complained to the police about a comment of Vladimir Tolgsky, a regional TV channel’s journalist, on Instagram about the rallies:

"I suppose it was necessary to shoot them. Just like in their beloved America. There is no cure for stupidity. It was not us who said that."

Residents of Arkhangelsk asked to check this statement for violation of Article 20.3.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (Incitement to Hatred or Enmity, as well as Violation of Human Dignity).




Vladimir Tolgsky's comment

The response of the law enforcement officers

The response of the law enforcement officers states that, according to the research brief No. 05/0033 of 02.04.2021, no signs of an extremist nature were found in the above-mentioned information materials. The answer was signed by the acting Deputy Chief of Police Utkin.

In May 2019, during a session of deputies of the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly, Vladimir Tolgsky suggested restricting entrepreneurs "to dry toasts" and putting “some people” on a bottle.

In December 2020, journalist Konstantin Kalinichenko from Pskov was summoned to give explanations in the Center for Combating Extremism at the regional directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Deputy of the State Duma from the United Russia Party Alexander Vasiliev reported him after having found signs of extremism and contempt in the journalist’s critical article about the parliamentarian's initiative to ban studded tires in the central part of Russia.

In Mari El, the court fined the Head of the LDPR branch in Mari El, Anton Mirbadalev, for an extremist video he posted on in 2010. Activist Grigory Severin from Voronezh was sent to undergo a forensic psychiatric examination after publishing a post with a phrase “Slaughter KGB” on

In Penza, school management asked the police to check the post of an eighth-grader, announcing the communists’ action, for extremism. The student was summoned to the police on the same day, her phone being seized. Later, the girl transferred to another school.


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the police was about for journalist arkhangelsk tolgsky